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Shhh…we have a secret.

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We have a secret that we are not sure if we should shout from the rooftops or if we should hold it tight. Oh well here goes nothing…

Partners in PROMISE is officially a 501(c)3 organization!

We applied in late 2020 after seeing the response from our special education families, and military and political leaders. There was a service gap and for the past year our organization has been trying to fill it. 

Partners in PROMISE has been run exclusively by volunteers and everything from our time to our website has been donated by our team. 

We could not be more proud of the work that has been done by boots on the ground military family members who care more about our organizational “why” (helping military kids in special education) than our organizational “what” (money). Over the past year we have been busy:

But we also believe in aiming high and we want to take our work of educating and advising parents and leaders to the next level.

We believe that the problems faced by military students in special education can be corrected and that these fixes have larger implications for special education nationwide. Special education is underfunded, with only .30 – .40 cents to the dollar reaching school districts. We are encouraged that the Biden Administration has recently proposed an IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) funding increase. But, knowing that COVID has put our students even farther behind, it is time to get proactive. We need to ensure our military special education students are receiving the funds intended to benefit them. But it will take all of us working together to make this happen!

Another Secret: You Can Help!

What if a dollar spent helping these students could help correct military special education at large? We are not asking for money for us, but for our why…fixing special education, period. 

Now that the secret is out, are you in?


All donations are tax deductible and will be used towards one of the following mission areas:

1. Helping hands through the provision of legal aid resources and educational materials customized for military special education families.

2. Elevating voices within our military special education community. Sharing our stories will reduce the stigma around special education and asking for help in general.

3. Growing minds through actionable data collected during our annual survey.


We heart data, but stories complete us. The data we share in an IEP meeting is just a small part of who our military students are. Their stories are what make them EXCEPTIONAL. Wear these custom designed shirts at your next IEP meeting as a reminder that our stories are more important than data alone.

Sometimes money donated is out of sight out of mind. We believe that our mission is ever present and we want it to be ever present for our families as well. Purchase an “Exceptional” bracelet from a military spouse owned business Seaport Sweetheart Designs between now and May 15th and 50% of the proceeds will be donated to Partners in PROMISE.

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